We are Exit Strategy for Dying

We aim to refocus the narrative around death and grief through the lens of arts, culture, storytelling and innovation.

🔔 Sentience, A Wake Up Call…

🔔 Sentience, A Wake Up Call…

When we do get to contemplating our existence, sentience is something I believe we might want to ponder more. Defined as the capacity to experience feelings and sensations, sentience also overlaps into emotion, sapience (the ability to think and acquire wisdom), and consciousness. It seems that sentience might be a door to understanding a deeply overlooked capacity all beings possess to experience the world in rich vibrant color, instead of black & white. Consider that the body is a vessel, capable of acquiring knowledge, and even consciousness, through feelings and perceptions of the senses. It can feed us in a way that we are mostly disconnected from, as we have been taught that intelligence only exists within the brain. What would it mean to us humans if there was more than one type of intelligence we could access, and that we shared with and connected us to, all other sentient beings? I believe these secrets when revealed might have untold gifts to bestow, allowing us to live more fully within these mortal bodies, connected more authentically to the rest of the animal kingdom, and perhaps even there to aid and comfort us when it’s our time to shed them ~ Karen

⚖️ All Deaths are not Equal

⚖️ All Deaths are not Equal

⭕️ Rewinding our Consciousness

⭕️ Rewinding our Consciousness