We aim to refocus the narrative around death and grief through the lens of arts, culture, storytelling and innovation.
“Death is scary. We're wired to run away from it, so there's no shame in that.” - BJ Miller
It can be next to impossible to contemplate our own demise. Our bodies are designed to seek every avenue of survival. And the eternal mystery of the unknown territory after death can fuel an anxiety that seeps into every aspect of our lives. Our pervasive cultural disconnect from the natural world can also leave us, literally, ungrounded - adrift and isolated in the face of death. Ernest Becker, in his Pulitzer Prize winning book, The Denial of Death, said all anxiety is actually death anxiety. What if this paradigm were to shift? What if we weren’t afraid to die? How might that change not only our death, but how we perceive and experience our life beforehand?
“Come to terms with death, thereafter anything is possible” - Albert Camus
Herbert Fingarette once argued that there was no reason to fear death. At 97, his own mortality began to haunt him, and he had to rethink everything. Read mo...