Death is the ultimate universal truth that none of us can actually avoid, nor truly comprehend, and most of us work very hard to keep any thoughts of not-existing banished to the furthest reaches of our minds. Not only does this not serve us well when our end, or a loved one’s, is imminent, but it is also deeply counter-productive for our lives while we’re living them. We want to change the conversation around death. Exit Strategy aims to be a trusted companion in this all important course of action. Death can be scary and it is also our last great adventure. You don't have to figure it out by yourself, we're here to help.

Karen Bellone

Karen’s life-long journey as an artist and storyteller has inspired her unique approach as an INELDA Certified end-of-life Doula and Transitional Guide. An award-winning filmmaker & photographer, Karen has interwoven the intention within her artistic process to assist individuals in finding their way to a conscious and meaningful death. Her calling is to demystify and assuage the fear that surrounds death in our culture and to foster safe passage for the dying, as well as to aid the families and loved ones through anticipatory grief and bereavement. Karen studied film as an undergraduate at NYU, with graduate work at the Actors Studio at the New School. She acquired tools in these formative years that unlocked a deep passion for understanding the power of visual and auditory perception on human consciousness. Taking her lead from working with sensory stimulation, Karen incorporates visual, sound and meditation therapy, personalized guided imagery, and commemoration of the sacred in the form of legacy and memory work, in order to bring comfort -physically, emotionally and spiritually - and to celebrate and commemorate the life of the individual. Karen hopes to be an integral part of bringing back the wisdom of death into our modern lives.